There Is A New Moon In Scorpio This Week And It’s Coming For Us All

This week, a powerful New Moon in Scorpio rises on November 4th. This astrological event is all about adding passion and energetic change to your life.

It will impact every zodiac sign, but Scorpio and Sagittarius will feel the effects of the New Moon the strongest. So buckle up people, because this lunar event is about to mix things up a little.

And if you want to discover your Moon Sign during this passionate time, this simple test can help you better understand your emotional personality and relationships.

The New Moon In Scorpio Is Serving Up Passion

Tweet about New Moon in Scorpio
Photo Credit: @officialmamaluna / Instagram
Photo Credit: @officialmamaluna / Instagram

The New Moon in Scorpio is here to introduce a little (or a lot) of passion into your life, even if you don't consider yourself an overly passionate person.

The Scorpio sign is known for its sexy, sassy, and passionate energy, so it's not surprising that this moon is deeply emotional and bold.


The Moon Is Also Bringing A Desire For Change And Variety

Photo from Twitter of New Moon in Winchester
Photo Credit: @holtby_linda / Twitter
Photo Credit: @holtby_linda / Twitter

Also, the New Moon in Scorpio is aligned with Uranus, which means that you're going to start to feel a desire to add some serious variety to your life.


New Moons are connected to new beginnings, so if you're starting to find that you are feeling restless in your day-to-day routine, don't be surprised.


Find The Thing That Makes You Feel Alive And Do More Of It

Globe with zodiac signs
Photo Credit: Nastya Dulhiier / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Nastya Dulhiier / Unsplash

This New Moon is asking us to connect with what we really need, the thing that drives us and makes us feel alive.


What is it that makes you tick? Chase one of your passions and fill your downtime with it. Whether it's nature, painting, writing, woodworking, gardening, or whatever else brings you joy.


Your Love Life Is About To Heat Up, Lean Into It

 Meme about Scorpios using Lois Griffin
Photo Credit: @Scorpion_Fact / Instagram
Photo Credit: @Scorpion_Fact / Instagram

As far as your love life goes, you can brace for a steamy transition into winter. According to Women's Health Mag, "Scorpio + Uranus = plenty of hotness."


Your sex life will be impacted by a need for passion combined with the New Moon's energy propelling you to seek it out.


This Week May Feel Extra Intense But It's To Be Expected

Woman explaining New Moon on Twitter
Photo Credit: @cosmicolleen_ / Twitter
Photo Credit: @cosmicolleen_ / Twitter

Scorpio energy is extremely intuitive and emotional, so don't be surprised if this week feels intense for you, but not in a bad way.


You may feel the urge to finally patch up old conflicts, settle up debts, or finish nagging projects. Now is the time to use the New Moon's energy and tackle it all.


The New Moon Could Reveal Harsh Truths

Scorpio season graphic on Instagram
Photo Credit: @maxineluzia / Instagram
Photo Credit: @maxineluzia / Instagram

The world as we know it has changed rapidly in the last six months and the New Moon is ushering in a general shift in social values. There is a collective understanding that the status quo is not working anymore and people are ready for large-scale reform.


Don't be shocked when these feelings start to feel stronger under the authentic New Moon in Scorpio. After all, Scorpio is known for revealing harsh truths. And if you want to discover your Moon Sign during this passionate time, this simple test can help you better understand your emotional personality and relationships.