We Found Some Of The Cringiest Couples On The Internet
When you are single and dating, it's hard not to notice all the seemingly happy couples everywhere around you.
The people below should make you feel a little bit better about your single status because they are making the couple life look cringe AF.
This Way He Will Never Forget About Her (Like Ever)

The cringe factor is high on this one, but it's just because they're so "in love."
She blows him a kiss every time he unlocks his cellphone, and as an added benefit, she knows there's no way he's giving his phone out to girls to add their number.
Terrible Matching Couple Shirts

Matching couple shirts are cringe enough on their own, but these two are taking it to the next level with their weird flex.
For some reason, they want everyone to know that they think their partner is hotter than anyone else's, because marriage is really just a looks competition after all, right?
She's A Keeper Alright, It Remains To Be Seen If He Is

This girl was gifted a set of soccer goaltending gloves for a holiday because "she's a keeper."
The only problem is she's not actually an athlete and won't get much use out of the gloves. Her face is suggesting she didn't love the joke.
Dating A Star Trek Superfan Can Get Weird

One woman came home to find that her boyfriend had replaced all the photos in her new frame with scenes from Star Trek.
Unless she's dating Sheldon Cooper, there's no real excuse for this weirdness.
Only The Best For His Baby

The caption on this picture says "My boyfriend promised me a fancy dinner for our date."
If this is what he considers fancy, we'd hate to see what he thinks a low-end meal would look like.
It Looks Like She Had A Nice Trip

This woman asked her boyfriend to snap a cute/sultry photo of her wading out into the ocean, but he had other plans.
He gave her a pretty significant boot and she crashed like a wave.
A Memory From His Last Love

The guy posing in the photo shared it online and said "New custom paint job commemorating my last relationship!"
The relationship was clearly all kinds of toxic and yet he seems proud of it. Looks like a real winner.
She Wasn't About To Let Him Forget

This guy woke up after a blackout drunk night to find these pictures, snapped by his girlfriend, saved in his phone to commemorate the night he wouldn't remember.
Unfortunately, it seems like a night she may never forget.
This Couple Might Be Onto Something Here

Next time you see a proposal happening in a public place, you'll have to think twice about whether it might be staged so that the couple can get something for free.
It makes you wonder how many times they have done this and gotten away with it.
This Girlfriend Had A Hidden Fear

The woman on the floor revealed an interesting fact about herself to her boyfriend, but she let him know a bit too late.
He rented a sky-room Ferris wheel ride in Las Vegas and she spent the whole ride crippled by her fear of heights, huddled in a ball on the floor, staring at the bench.
Technically, She Did Get What She Asked For

The look on her face says it all: disappointment.
She asked her boyfriend for a golden retriever for her birthday and was gifted this very literal golden handheld grabber so she can retrieve all the things she needs, as long as they are within five feet of her.
The Instagram Boyfriend Phenomenon

The beach has basically turned into an Instagram influencer's favorite photo shoot location, and by default, that means that their dedicated boyfriend photographers must tag along.
This beach scene would be hard to explain to someone thirty years ago, but it makes perfect sense today.
Men Can't Be Trusted Around Fake Lashes

if you're single and go home and pass out with your makeup on, you might have to deal with some stained pillow cases and bad skin.
However, if you go home with a boyfriend, you're art risk of him doing something ridiculous like this.
The Sign Marks The Spot

This "Historical Marker" reads like a warning sign for marriage.
It's hard to say if this husband and wife stood the test of time, but it definitely looks like they had some good "marital disputes."
There Is No Logical Reason For This

This woman arrived at the tennis courts only to find out that, for no apparent reason, her boyfriend had replaced her tennis racket with a frying pan.
This makes a great case for not keeping a boyfriend around.
How Could You Say No?

One man's attempt at a romantic proposal ended up looking more like the scene to a low budget horror movie.
The spray paint combined with the "marry me" demand, versus a question isn't checking all the boxes.
This Convo Should Have Stayed Private

This cringe couple really took the time to discuss a piece of lint.
The girlfriend asked her "babe" if he wanted to come over so he could get it back, just as an excuse to see each other. As far as extra people go, these two babes are next level.
Who Is More Dramatic In This Relationship?

Some people are too much to handle on a good day, and these two might be that couple.
Maybe he's just an overly supportive boyfriend about everything, but that black t-shirt does not seem pass out worthy.
The Shower Curtain Debate

The caption on this picture says "My wife is smokin' hot so I picked the shower curtain" but there's no proof that he didn't just accidentally buy a shower curtain liner.
That's the more likely situation, and his wife is already back at Walmart buying a new curtain.
She Just Wanted A Cute Heart Hair Photo

If relationships are built on trust alone, this couple is at risk.
However, if they are built on ridiculous humor, laughter, and a little bit of teasing, this one will definitely stand a chance.