Signs That You Should Proceed With Caution In Your Relationship

You know enough to understand what a red flag or deal-breaker in a relationship should be, but there are plenty of signs that are stuck in the middle between a red flag and a green flag.

Some signs aren't enough to justify breaking up with someone on the spot but they're enough to make you slow down and consider your choices — these are the yellow flags. Something that's a yellow flag to you could be a blatant red flag to someone else though, so remember to trust your instinct and make the right decision for yourself.

There's A Time And A Place For Teasing

man and woman eye contact outside
Photo Credit: Pexels / Vera Arsic
Photo Credit: Pexels / Vera Arsic

"I call it "aggro-flirting" where they're constantly jabbing at you and trying to play it off in a flirtatious way. It’s one thing if it’s like 2 times over the course of the night, but I’ve gone on dates with people where it seems like they’re looking for a weak spot or something. It’s not a deal breaker but it’s something watch out for definitely." — Reddit / permanenceisall


Their Friends Might Be Right In Saying The Ex Was Crazy

couple fighting silhouettes
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Eric Ward
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Eric Ward

"If all of their exes are "crazy," but they don't bring it up--their friends do and it's completely unprompted." — Reddit / shineevee. If they're the one telling you all their exes are crazy that's a red flag, but if their friends or family are the ones telling you, it could be true.


You Shouldn't Be At Risk Of Getting Scurvy

woman holding burger
Photo Credit: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch
Photo Credit: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch

"Being very picky with food - ie not eating fruits or vegetables, always having take away/ready meal type food. I'm ok with obvs a few 'don't likes' but if all they eat is pizza chips and burgers." — Reddit / Filbbetty


How Do They Treat Their Parents?

two women sitting on bench outside
Photo Credit: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Photo Credit: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

"As a woman, I got a slight red flag from my now fiancé because of the dismissive way he spoke about his mother. He always rolled his eyes when he talked about her and whenever I heard him on the phone to her, he spoke to her like she was a child. My logic was, she's the only other woman in his life and this is his attitude towards her?


Then I met her. Now I get it. So I'd call [bad] treatment of parents a yellow flag." — Reddit / queenofthera


This Is Definitely Personal Preference

man and child playing outside
Photo Credit: Pexels
Photo Credit: Pexels

"Spending too much time around kids. Like if he had nieces or nephews and was really involved with them, I'd consider that a yellow flag. I can't stand children very much and don't want any around." — Reddit / SecretReddits


Be Confident In What You're Bringing To The Table

couple on date
Photo Credit: Pexels
Photo Credit: Pexels

"Went on a tinder date, met her at a restaurant, and within five minutes she says "I can tell you think I'm ugly."


The rest of the date was peppered with stuff like that. It would get brought up every hour or so. Little things like “You probably don’t like me”." — Reddit / HealthShmealth


They're Too Into Their Own Hobbies

person playing ukulele outside
Photo Credit: Pexels / Porapak Apichodilok
Photo Credit: Pexels / Porapak Apichodilok

"If they seem a tad too addicted to their hobby. It's not a dealbreaker immediately, but proceed with caution and end it if you can tell it was far worse than you thought." — Reddit / Mythicalminty. So they like to play video games a couple of times a week, that's not a problem, but playing for 6 hours a day definitely is.


Focus On The Future Not The Past

couple talking holding hands
Photo Credit: Pexels / Luis Quintero
Photo Credit: Pexels / Luis Quintero

"Trash talking their exes. Not a dealbreaker, but definitely makes you pause and wonder about the whole 'two sides to every story'." — Reddit / emigorawr. It also makes you wonder what they'll be saying about you in the future...


You Have To Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions

couple sitting on log
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

"Lots of stories about how they were wronged for no reason at all. Everyone has been f'ed over once or twice, but if they keep telling stories about they are a saint and everyone else is awful I tend to assume they aren't telling the whole story." — Reddit / unknownsliver


Trust Your Intuition

woman in car looking out window
Photo Credit: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva
Photo Credit: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva

"The ambiguous 'off' feeling that you can’t put your finger on. Even if they seem otherwise like a really lovely person. Trust your intuition." — Reddit / somethingwithatwo2. Your gut is trying to tell you something, you just don't know what it is yet, so it might not be reason enough to end the relationship.


How Many Credit Cards Is Too Many?

man pulling money out of wallet
Photo Credit: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska
Photo Credit: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

"How they spend money. If they are already in debt and think that opening up an Amazon credit card is a good idea while paying off 3 other cards, student loans, car payments, and a phone bill, it might not hurt to say something." — Reddit / Batmike


"Broke. It might mean they're a financial disaster who will drag you down with them if you let them, it might mean some emergency came up and they're not yet done paying on it." — Reddit / fromRonnie


It Can Be Easier If They Relate To Your Upbringing Or Childhood Experiences

couple giving piggy back ride
Photo Credit: Pexels / Josh Willink
Photo Credit: Pexels / Josh Willink

"I've always been wary of dating people who have super healthy, happy families and lots of friends from high school or earlier.


Others from difficult backgrounds (who don't want to repeat them) are more likely to accept my past and ability to change and raise a family differently than how I was raised, since they want to achieve the same thing." — Reddit / Neuropia


Don't Make Yourself At Home Too Quick

man driving car
Photo Credit: Unsplash
Photo Credit: Unsplash

"When they get in my car and change the radio station." — Reddit / SparkleFritz


"Or if they open your fridge without asking and act as if it was their fridge (if you don't know them well yet)." — Reddit / cbbrman87


Your Family Doesn't Approve

mother daughter cooking kitchen
Photo Credit: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Photo Credit: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

"I think I can say with a fair amount of certainty that if my mom doesn't like you, that'd be a yellow flag." — Reddit / Delightfully. It might not be a reason to break up with someone immediately, but maybe your friends or family can see something that you don't.


Who Do They Choose To Spend Their Time With?

adult friends inside
Photo Credit: Pexels / Daria Shevtsova
Photo Credit: Pexels / Daria Shevtsova

"Lame friends. Your friends are for better or worse a reflection of your values, your views.... if all your friends are kinda lame/not very nice people I'll wonder about you." — Reddit / throw_the_switch


Are They Willing To Work On Themselves/Their Issues?

couple making eye contact holding hands restaurant
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Andrea Piacquadio
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Andrea Piacquadio

"People who are not emotionally self aware. Like yeah, sometimes I will be insanely attracted to someone who doesn't know him/herself. Sometimes, I can assist in their self growth journey. Or maybe they're just getting started. But if they have zero interest, the relationship is going to fail." — Reddit / searedscallops


Can You Keep Yourself Alive?

two people cooking ... tacos?
Photo Credit: Pexels / Maarten van den Heuvel
Photo Credit: Pexels / Maarten van den Heuvel

"When someone doesn't know how to make a basic meal. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it does make me pause. Cooking is a pretty basic life skill, so if you can’t do something as simple as boiling spaghetti, I start to question your maturity a little." — Reddit / Kangaroodle


Honor The Commitments And Promises You Made

woman looking out window waiting for someone
Photo Credit: Pexels / Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas
Photo Credit: Pexels / Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas

"People who can't follow through on promises or things they agreed to. I can understand if it happens once or twice occasionally, but when it happens all the time, like you're always late or flaky, I'm going to reassess how and where things are going." — Reddit


Health Is Wealth

woman running outdoors sunset
Photo Credit: Pexels
Photo Credit: Pexels

"People who don't actively take care of their health. I'm talking diet, exercise, doctor and dentist visits. It's not overtly a deal-breaker, but it doesn't make me respect the person or think they'll be a good parent." — Reddit / QueenOfPurple


How Much Time Apart Is Too Much?

person using laptop alone at home
Photo Credit: Pexels / Vlada Karpovich
Photo Credit: Pexels / Vlada Karpovich

"When they say they like their partner to be independent. Sometimes it means they just need introvert time, other times it means they only want the partner to be around when they want company." — Reddit / thewidowgorey