Signs He’s Actually A Nice Guy (AKA A Unicorn These Days)

Someone ring the alarm, because normal nice dudes that don't make you want to rage-quit dating apps forever are actually out there. I know, it's shocking. But our vigilance in staying the heck away from strangers who call us "baby gurl" over Snapchat may have finally paid off.

This isn't one of those "red flags that he's secretly toxic" articles—no. These are some very real and very good signs that your casual "pints and nachos" dude who you met while grocery shopping is actually a really good guy. He's normal—how crazy is that?

Wow, He Actually Wants To Talk To You About Your Day

two people on carousel
Photo Credit: @septdoigt / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @septdoigt / Unsplashed

A good guy will actually give a crap about, brace yourself, your day. And even crazier is that you'll care about his as well. I know it sounds like a novel concept, but trust me, it's the picture of relationship health.


He's Got Dumb Hobbies (But They Make Him Cute)

pinball crew
Photo Credit: @lofilou / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @lofilou / Unsplashed

Okay, so you fully don't understand why there are Yoda dolls lining his shelves and his comforter just has to be the Phantom Menace poster, but hey, you love it. Normal people have interests that make their heart go aflutter, and as long as they're not too out of left-field, they're kind of sweet.


He Buys You Terrible Gag Gifts That You Stash Away In Your Closet So You Don't Hurt His Feelings

avocado plushie
Photo Credit: @joshstyle / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @joshstyle / Unsplashed

If you care enough about him to hide that God-awful paisley red sweater he got you for Christmas in the back of your closet where it takes up space (that could've been used for shoes), then you're in love. He's also in love because he's still adorably clueless about your style and thinks you'll look good in anything.


He Tries To Make You Do One Of Those Big, Ugly Belly Laughs

talking together
Photo Credit: @heftiba / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @heftiba / Unsplashed

A guy who tries to make you laugh is a guy who's invested in your happiness and wants to see you dive into a pool of serotonin. That means he's sticking chopsticks in his nose at a Chinese restaurant and trying to tell you about his aquatic life as a seal.


He's More Than Willing To Share His Fries (The Sweet Potato Ones, Too)

fries on plate
Photo Credit: @andjsch / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @andjsch / Unsplashed

Normal, nice, caring, sweet men love to show that ushy-gushy part of their heart to you, and french fries are the ultimate vehicle for that. If he lets you steal them, you should start thinking about what kind of house you're going to buy together because fries are precious.


Buddy Has Never Even Heard Of The "Silent Treatment"

woman and man at a bar
Photo Credit: @lexscope / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @lexscope / Unsplashed

Emotions—he knows how to deal with them. Instead of shutting you out and ignoring your texts when he's got an issue with you, he's more than ready and willing to make time to talk about something that's bothering him.


He Knows What Your Take-Out Order Is At That Pad Thai Place

pad thai chef
Photo Credit: @gareth_harrison/ Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @gareth_harrison/ Unsplashed

There's something to be said for simply paying attention to how a person acts and what they like to do. If he's noticing the things you're doing and taking notes, then this man is a keeper. And by association with you, he's got great taste in shrimp pad thai (medium spicy).


Your Parents? They Want To Adopt Him. Now.

parents dining
Photo Credit: @haleyephelphs / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @haleyephelphs / Unsplashed

You're the one who's related by blood, but Mom and Dad like him so much that you're wondering if they secretly text. Actually, they definitely do. You know your dad has a standing tee time on Sundays at 10 a.m. with your guy.


He's The First Person To Tell You To Chase That Degree Or Promotion

catching lady in air
Photo Credit: @francunhafoto / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @francunhafoto / Unsplashed

Good guys want to see you succeed and do well in life. They want to be the wind in your sails pushing you to follow your dreams, because if you're happy, then they're happy too. And that's some good old-fashioned empathy.


He's Supportive And Ready To Complain About Your Bad Restaurant Meal If You Won't

restaurant meal
Photo Credit: @gift_habeshaw / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @gift_habeshaw / Unsplashed

Okay, yeah, he urges you to chase positive things in life, but he also wants you to fight the negative. That means he's the one raising his hand to signal the waiter and encouraging you to speak your mind, because babe, you are not paying $16 for a burger that tastes like dog food.


He Says What He Means (A Novel Concept)

bed talks
Photo Credit: @pashawtf / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @pashawtf / Unsplashed

I'm not going to name names (hi, all of my exes), but some guys love to beat around the bush until they decide it's not worth it and break up with you. A good guy respects and values your relationship enough to tell you the exact problem he's got with you.


Wine And Boardgames With You Sounds Just As Fun To Him

foos ball table
Photo Credit: @ba0_tru0ng / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @ba0_tru0ng / Unsplashed

A good guy who likes you doesn't need a bunch of flashing lights and bass-heavy club music to enjoy your company. No, he wants to actually talk and pick your brain. So be wary if plans always have to involve drinks and going out.


He Respects Your Skincare Routine

getting ready
Photo Credit: @kxvn_lx / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @kxvn_lx / Unsplashed

I cannot stress how subtle but important skincare respect is. If he gets this super-specific and borderline obsessive part of you, then he's going to accept pretty much everything about you. And you totally should too, since you know how annoying your 40-minute, 11-step nightly Korean skincare routine can be.


He Actually Listens To You Complain About Your Hairdresser Instead Of Calling It A "Girl Problem"

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Photo Credit: @priscilladupreez / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @priscilladupreez / Unsplashed

I've actually had a dude tell me that I'm going to get "over" my bad haircut because in his experience, "women eventually get over them." Sure, he's right, I will get over it, but that's not the issue anymore. If a guy can listen to your problems without being condescending, then he's a major good guy.


Don't Respond For An Hour? He Doesn't Call You A Cheater

man texting person
Photo Credit: @sejadisruptivo / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @sejadisruptivo / Unsplashed

Insecure men like to throw out the "cheater" accusation the minute you do or say anything that makes them question themselves. It's just projection, so don't let it bother you because they are absolutely not worth it.


He Sets Boundaries (Yeah, It's Healthy Not To Be His Whole Life)

hiking in woods
Photo Credit: @thomholmes / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @thomholmes / Unsplashed

If he tells you that he's turning his phone off to hang out with his friend, or that he can't hang out a certain day because of a family commitment, he trusts you to respect that. And what can you say? It's sweet that he lets you live your life and hopes you'll let him live his.


He Doesn't Care About Who You've Been With Before

kissing moutain
Photo Credit: @nathan_mcb / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @nathan_mcb / Unsplashed

Good guys are so self-secure that they know that you're not falling back into bed with your exes the minute you two have an argument. Good guys respect you and won't shame you by dredging up a past you'd rather forget about.


Spontaneous Day Trips? He's All Over That

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Photo Credit: @jonathonborba / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @jonathonborba / Unsplashed

Okay, he doesn't have to be spontaneous to be a good guy, but it's a major positive sign. The more easygoing a guy is, the more he's happy just to be in your presence, no matter where, and that's super sweet.


If You Have A Problem, He Helps You Brainstorm Solutions

couple looking down
Photo Credit: @seteales / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @seteales / Unsplashed

We've all been met with an insurmountable issue in our lives where we desperately need someone by our side to help us cope and find a way to make it better. The best part of this is that you'd do the exact same thing.


Dude Can Fix Your Car And Your Computer Without Crying

smiling couple in field
Photo Credit: @alvinmahmudov / Unsplashed
Photo Credit: @alvinmahmudov / Unsplashed

Emotional stability is a huge one for me. If he doesn't throw a fit over the smallest things and actually practices doing that yoga breath thing you always see on Instagram (does that help?), that says a lot about how well-rounded he is.