Pickup Fails That Remind Us It’s A Battlefield Out There For Single People
Some pick-up lines are so smooth that they leave you feeling a little overwhelmed by how easily you were trapped.
But more often than not, pick-up lines are flat-out cringeworthy attempts at getting your attention and sometimes they backfire in the best way possible.
Hot Tip: This Is Not Better Than A Cash Tip
Bartenders and servers are used to being hit on by strangers, but this is a new approach.
Some guy left a napkin note with his phone number that said, "Hope this is better than a tip!" It is absolutely not. Hard pass.
*Immediately Sends Screenshot To Groupchat*
Online dating can be exhausting to navigate but at least you can make fun of weirdos with your friends.
Bonus points if you tell the weirdos that they're going to get roasted by a group of judgmental women.
The Trashy Pick-Up LIne That Actually Worked

Every once in a while a terrible pickup line is actually going to land and work on someone, and this is an example of one of those times.
Even better, it was a confident woman who laid down the line.
Shut Down By An Impending Wedding
Being shut down is bad enough but being shut down by hearing "I'm getting married next week" is a punch in the gut.
This guy seems to have missed his chance by a few years.
Almost Kissin' Cousins Thanks To 23AndMe
Hitting on someone via the 23andMe ancestry tracing app is a new low for single people everywhere.
The personalized message says "Less than a third of a percent shared DNA.. hook up would be ok?" No, no it would not.
The Nastiest Pickup Line

This type of self-defecating humor (sorry, self-deprecating) is bound to earn a guy some disgusted responses.
Bathroom issues are not an attractive quality, despite what some men might think.
This Woman Was Just Sister-Zoned
There is the dreaded "friend zone" but this woman discovered a terrible new zone, the "sister zone."
Her attempt at going out with this guy earned her a sarcastic "get the f**k outta here."
Modern-Day Dating Cringe

Some pickup lines are so cringe-worthy that you never forget the awkward moment you heard them for the first time.
This woman couldn't get past the corniness of someone's Spotify music-themed flirting and we don't blame her.
The Opposite Of A Pickup Line

The anti-compliment still happens out in the wild when single people meet and this pickup line is an example.
Fire alarms save lives and have a purpose, so what the heck is he bringing to the table?
Nobody Wants That... Like Nobody
There are a lot of layers to this post and a lot of unanswered questions— probably for the best.
Still, the point stands that some lunatic is out there offering to give away his STIs to random people on the street.
Their Priorities Are Whack
Women who are too hung up on height should be prepared for some men to be easily offended by it.
These two don't seem like they are going to make a promising pair, and they haven't even had their first date yet.
Don't Involve The Dog In This, Please
Being a dog parent is hard enough, let alone introducing a new partner into the mix.
The people who say that they want to be your co-pet parent should just leave the animals out of any romancing.
This One Will Land With Dad Jokes Lovers

Anyone who appreciates a good dad joke might fall for a goofy pickup prank like this.
But some people will definitely roll their eyes and walk away, leaving you and your limes to think about what you've done.
Let Him Down The Hard Way
This creepy Tinder match went for a classic pickup line with an overly confident twist.
Thankfully, the person who answered knew how to handle themselves and put him right in his place.
Not How Anyone Saw This Conversation Going
This conversation seems like the result of a super awkward guy trying to start a casual conversation and failing miserably.
Porn is rarely a good starter topic but he still went for it, even when it spiraled downhill.
He Wants To Do What?

If only all people had the confidence of random homeless men when it comes to meeting women in public.
They do tend to have a way with words, even if they are words that make you uncomfortable.
Height Is Just A Number, Baby

This presumptuous pickup line is kind of funny and we have to give the little dude credit for that.
His confident personality seems to make up for anything he lacks in height.
The Joke Went Right Over Their Head
The chances of finding someone who doesn't know the "How much does a polar bear weigh?" icebreaker joke are pretty slim.
But not as slim as finding someone who has never heard of it and is also a self-proclaimed polar bear expert.
She Was Quick With The Clapback
Why is it that men think it's a good idea to start a conversation with something overly sexual?
It's not a good start and it almost always backfires, just like it did here.
A Possible Mustache Queen
This guy was not thinking when he told Laura that she would also grow a fantastic mustache.
It doesn't look like Laura took the time to respond, and we don't blame her.