Irritating Parts About Dating New People That Make Single Life More Appealing

People who are in relationships love to tell their single friends and family members to just "put themselves out there and try to meet someone." While it might seem like an encouraging sentiment, they've been too long outside of the dating world to remember how horrible it is.

Going on dates and meeting new people is an exhausting, frustrating, and often unrewarding experience, as these memes show all too well.

There Are So Many Games Involved

Photo Credit: Instagram / @beauty_and_you_blogs
Photo Credit: Instagram / @beauty_and_you_blogs

Maybe I was willing to play games and be "hard to get" when I was in my younger years, but I do not have the time or energy to try and figure out what your two-day-late text means. I will quickly delete your number.


People Are So Contradictory

b****es be like
Photo Credit: Twitter / @SavRealm
Photo Credit: Twitter / @SavRealm

People will say that they're looking to go on dates and meet new people and then make it impossible to actually go on a date with them. Why they gotta be like that?


I Don't Know What Your ~Vibe~ Is Yet

i don't want to leave you on read but I don't know how to respond
Photo Credit: Instagram / @hoemotionaal
Photo Credit: Instagram / @hoemotionaal

Because phones are now such an integral part of how we communicate, most times we end up texting people before meeting in person. It's almost impossible to know someone's inflections and tone over text, making responding a difficult task.


I Cannot Flirt And Will Never Learn How

I know I called you bro but I'm just bad at flirting ok
Photo Credit: Twitter / @luxurjously
Photo Credit: Twitter / @luxurjously

During my many years of life on this Earth, I have never learned how to flirt properly. Instead, I just spout weird facts about myself, act awkwardly, and accidentally friendzone myself by calling a guy "bro."


You Put In So Much Effort For Someone Not Worth It

fake headline: four cute first date ensembles to meet a guy who's wearing a t-shirt and sneakers
Photo Credit: Instagram / @reductress
Photo Credit: Instagram / @reductress

Ladies, picture this: You have a first date with a guy your friend thinks would be a good match for you. You spend an hour choosing an outfit and getting ready only for him to show up in a T-shirt and dirty sneakers. You proceed to have nothing in common.


Even When Things Go Well Initially, My Time Feels Wasted

girls are like
Photo Credit: Twitter / @danadonly
Photo Credit: Twitter / @danadonly

You can meet the perfect person for you, have a ton of fun together, get to know each other on an emotionally intimate level, and after five months, they'll still say they aren't ready for a relationship.


The Dating Pool Feels Really Small

one time a guy spent an entire date telling me how I had the same sense of humor and
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Coll3enG
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Coll3enG

People love to say that there are "plenty of fish in the sea," but what they fail to consider is that, of those fish, I've already dated a bunch, and many are friends of exes, so there's maybe only three viable fish left.


Being Emotionally Vulnerable Is Hard

fake uno card says
Photo Credit: Instagram / @cartoonchronicle
Photo Credit: Instagram / @cartoonchronicle

When I do find someone I really like, I'm way too afraid to tell them how I actually feel, because I'm afraid it's not reciprocated and it will ruin our whole dynamic.


Scheduling Is An Absolute Nightmare

boys are rude for example sometimes they are busy when you are not
Photo Credit: Twitter / @MichaelaOkla
Photo Credit: Twitter / @MichaelaOkla

Both of us are busy people who have a lot on our plates, so trying to find a date and time that we're both available is a nightmare. You end up having to plan dates two weeks in advance only to lose interest in the meantime.


At The Faintest Good Sign, You Get Your Hopes Up

after their crush says hi, person googles
Photo Credit: Instagram / @biitchreact
Photo Credit: Instagram / @biitchreact

After dealing with a series of bad dates and duds, you start to latch on to the slightest signs that a person could be likable. A man once simply remembered that I'm a vegetarian and I thought he was the one.


My Internal Desires Are Constantly Colliding

two trains colliding while trying to merge onto same track respectively labelled
Photo Credit: Instagram / @introvertedinfp
Photo Credit: Instagram / @introvertedinfp

Part of me wants to go on dates and try meeting potential partners, but another part of me wants to spend my minimal free time relaxing and hanging out with my favorite person: myself. It's a horrific paradox.


You've Become Intensely Disillusioned With Dating

hold on okay so people out there go on dates with each other and then...continue to date? Like as in they enter into a relationship with one another? Because of mutual attraction and interest?? Sounds fake; I don't buy it
Photo Credit: Twitter / @themeredith
Photo Credit: Twitter / @themeredith

I've been through so many bad or fruitless dates with people that I literally have forgotten that dating can lead to relationships. I only thought it led to ghosting and disappointment.


You Can't Find People Who Want The Same Things As You

p1 on Bumble: Hi Logan. Do you currently have the emotional capacity to be the love of my life? P2: honestly not really.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tinderdistrict
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tinderdistrict

You've tried dating sites and every in-person method of meeting romantic interests, but everyone you end up actually having a decent connection with is looking for something casual rather than an actual relationship.


No One Can Handle Your Intensity

Him: why's a pretty girl like you still single? me: I'm crazy!
Photo Credit: Instagram / @beauty_hacksdaily
Photo Credit: Instagram / @beauty_hacksdaily

I might be a crazy, neurotic, control freak who needs to plan things days in advance to feel peace, but I'm also really good at being kind and empathetic to partners. You get both sides with the package.


You See The Insanity Of Relationships And Honestly? It's Not Worth It

my friend called me crying bc her man broke up with her so I'm at target about to buy her wine and I see her snap. tell me why she post a picture of him. I had to put everything back. You have to wait 3-5 business days before you believe girls about breakup
Photo Credit: Twitter / @cherryemoticon
Photo Credit: Twitter / @cherryemoticon

I've had the absolute displeasure of watching my friends go through turbulent, messy, and emotionally damaging relationships with partners who were all wrong for them. I'm just not in the mood to give up my healthy state of mind for that.


It Really Just Do Be Like That

yes I complain about being single. yes I also flow on every single guy who's ever asked me to hang out just to stay home and smoke. We exist.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @daniellemaria99
Photo Credit: Twitter / @daniellemaria99

I complain about being single a fair bit, but the second I actually have a date scheduled, I actually spend the entire day thinking of an excuse to not go because I'm not in the mood for human interaction.


Every Failed Attempt Makes You A Little Less Hopeful

photo of girl crying captioend: me after yet another love interest has failed and I'm left with the sudden realization that I will probably die alone in sorrow
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sourqueen2
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sourqueen2

With every new romantic interest that I put effort into only for things to fall apart, I lose a little more of my will to continue to date. I might just get a cat.


Even When You Do Find Something Good, Someone's Trauma Gets In The Way

person jokes that they sabotage all the good things in their life
Photo Credit: Twitter / @InternetHippo
Photo Credit: Twitter / @InternetHippo

Sometimes, you get into your head and start to jump to conclusions, essentially burning a good bridge with your own psychosis, and other times, it's them whose emotional deficits destroy a good thing. The important part is that no one ends up happy!


You Still Have Ghosts Of Dating Past Hounding You

Text message: The NBA getting canceled got me thinking about how I cancelled you out and didn't step up N B A man when you needed me. I just wish things went differently than they did. You don't have to respond. I just had to get this off my chest
Photo Credit: Twitter / @karinaa_ortega
Photo Credit: Twitter / @karinaa_ortega

Get out and date, they said. It will be fun, they said. However, no one prepared me for the mass of past failed partners sending me weird regretful texts years after the fact.


Maybe Being Single Is Just Easier

how I sleep knowing I'm single and no one is cheating on me (photo of Spongebob sleeping peacefully)
Photo Credit: Instagram /
Photo Credit: Instagram /

I'll admit that I get lonely sometimes, but at least I don't have to deal with the worries, arguments, and fitful nights of sleep you get sharing a bed with a blanket stealer that come with relationships.