These Dating Terms Are Proof That Dating Is Getting Out Of Hand
Dating can be a lot of fun! It's exciting to get to know new people and the idea of finding love is what keeps most of us doing it. But, dating has become a minefield full of snakes and liars.
As you can imagine, there are lots of things to talk about, so it only makes sense that certain behaviors would gain a name. If you're new to dating or getting back into the game, here are the new dating terms and what they mean.
Slow Fade

This is what happens when the person you've been dating or talking to becomes less and less available and less and less likely to chat. Eventually, the two of you fall out of touch.

We all know what this feeling is because we've all experienced it. Ghosting is when someone you've been seeing randomly stops answering your calls and texts and you don't hear from them again.

Named after the half-moon icon on the iPhone, mooning is when someone you've been seeing turns off the notifications for your messages and calls because they're not interested in talking.

Benching is what happens when someone puts you on the back burner while they continue to date other people. They know you're there and ready to play if they call you up to the plate.

A Laybe is someone who is in a relationship that is about to end. They're out there flirting and looking for a potential hook up for when they're broken up with their current partner.

Tunning is what happens when two people are in a situation where one person likes the other more. He tries to 'tune' you through messages and gestures to change your mind about not liking them.

Exing is when someone is still way too hung up on their ex. They like to play that on-again / off-again game with their ex and generally use new people to stir up the drama between the two of them.

This is one that is tricky to stay away from when you're using apps to date. It's when you see each other rarely so the relationship you're in exists almost entirely over text.

Most people have had an um-friend at one time or another. They're the person in your life you have a mutual understanding with that you can do relationship things without being in a relationship.

Being the fluffer is the worst. It means that you spent a lot of time and energy getting someone ready for a relationship, but not actually getting to date that person yourself.

Breadcrumbing goes hand in hand with benching. It's when someone puts in just enough effort to keep you interested so they don't lose you while they're out there dating other people.

This happens after someone ghosts you. It's that annoying thing they do where they still watch your Instagram and Snapchat stories and like your pictures but can't be bothered to answer any texts.

Alright, we are all guilty of this one. It's when you talk up certain things about yourself or present a version of yourself that isn't exactly correct. It's what happens when you use a picture from five years ago or say 'yeah I totally love camping!'

Paperclipping is when someone you've been involved with will message you or call you with the intention of actually moving things forward. They do this when they feel like you're going cold and they need the ego boost.

Cushioning is when someone keeps a roster of people they can flirt with and text while they're starting a new relationship in case it doesn't work out with whoever they're dating.

Firedooring is when someone won't text you back even though you always text them back. They're cold and standoffish unless they're the ones who initiated the conversation, and they will never commit to plans, even if they're a few days away.
Love Bombing

Love bombing is when the start of your relationship starts off with lots of attention and presents but then takes a sudden turn and your partner becomes cold and unfriendly. This is usually a technique used to manipulate people.

Roaching is what happens when someone you've been seeing for a while has been secretly still using dating apps and meeting up with other people. Of course, when you bring it up to them, they'll tell you they didn't know you were exclusive.

Microcheating is like roaching, but happens in more committed relationships. It's when someone gets involved with someone emotionally, but not physically. It's creating opportunities for relationship things outside of your relationship.

This is what happens when you've been seeing someone for a while but they won't introduce you to their friends or family. In fact, it's likely they don't even know about you because he's keeping you secret.
White Clawing

White clawing is named after the hard seltzer that became so popular this year. It's what happens when you date someone you are so intensely attracted to but find otherwise completely boring. So, if you're staying with them because of how they look despite knowing it's not serious for you, you're white clawing that person.

If you're someone who is type-casting, then you're someone who is only interested in people who meet certain qualifications, like their star sign, love language, Myers-Briggs personality type, or even height.

Eclipsing has happened to the best of us. When you start dating someone new, it's totally normal to show an interest in the hobbies that are important to them. But if you start taking on all of those hobbies as your own, that's called "eclipsing." It might not seem like that big of a deal, but ask yourself: if you're doing this, are you being true to you?
Dial Toning

Dial-toning is probably one of the most confusing and annoying things about the dating world today. It's what happens when someone takes your phone number and says they're going to text or call and then never does. What was the point of that?

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a genius, and if you've seen Fleabag, then you'll know what this one is all about. If you haven't, you should probably watch it ASAP, but until you do, fleabagging is what happens when you constantly date people who are not right for you and you know it.
Yellow Carding

Yellow carding is what happens when you call someone out on their bad behavior, questionable viewpoint, attitude, and so on. It's a sports term that is used when someone commits a foul.

Being glamboozled is the worst. That's what happens when you get all dressed up and ready to go and then find out that your date isn't coming—or worse, they just never show up.

If you're a Jekyll and Hyde–type person, it means that they have two totally different personalities. If someone you're dating is jekylling, then they're presenting themselves as a kind and caring person when, in reality, they're far from that.

The honeymoon phase of a relationship is always the best. The nights are steamy, the days are fun, and you can't get enough of each other. If you're someone who only sticks around for those days and then loses interest once the honeymoon phase is over, you're flashpanning.

Obligaswiping might be a mouthful, but we all know someone who is guilty of it. It's what you call it when someone is on dating apps constantly, always swiping. Maybe they send a few messages back and forth, but it never comes to anything more than that.