Women Who Might Need To Upgrade
How many of us have a friend who is dating someone who is kind of a loser? Yeah, lots of us. We've probably even dated a few losers ourselves. At what point do we know that it's time for an upgrade, or even better, maybe spending some time being single on our own?
That's A Lot Of Hair

OK, how gross is this? What makes this worse is that he didn't even do this at her home, but she walked into a public bathroom after her boyfriend and found all of this.
Is He Onto Something?

What does this subscription usually entail? Does it get me unlimited backrubs and force him to dial down the sass? I'm sure there are lots of different layers to this subscription.
Those Are Tacky

This is what happens when you leave your man to shop for some tasteful bedsheets for their new bed. If he thinks this is tasteful, what other flaws does he have?
Why Is This Happening?

Imagine you come home from a long day at work and you see your partner chilling on the couch using your iPad as a coaster? At least they didn't set the drink down right on the couch.
That's Gonna Be A Long Flight

How do you make a mistake like that? He booked himself into business class and his girlfriend into economy. Let's hope that they aren't flying anywhere that's a long distance away, otherwise, there is gonna be trouble.
Don't Judge Me

The last thing any of us need is someone commenting on our online shopping issues. We know that we have them and we know that we will deal with them in time.
What Is Even Happening Here?

I'm not sure if this is crazy or if it is a genius hack. It's crazy how often those two things collide, especially when it comes to boyfriends. This just seems dangerous.
Saves Time, Right?

This is certainly one of those stories where no one is gonna believe you so it doesn't matter if you made it up or not because it just sounds that crazy.
This Is Disturbing

There is a right way and a wrong way to eat certain foods, things that we all just understand as humans. This person does not seem to know how to eat a Kit Kat like a human.
That's Just Mean

This guy took a picture of his girlfriend's toes with a package of hot dogs and later sent it to her saying he couldn't tell the difference between the two.
Haha, Very Clever

She asked him for a clean Kleenex and he came back with this fridge magnet and made a huge show about cleaning it on his shirt before handing it to her.
OK, He Did Not Just

She asked her husband to stir her drink for her, and he stuck his finger right in it and then started to stir. Let's hope that he washed his hands before pulling this prank.
That's One For The Memory Book

Taking a selfie on your wedding seems like a super cute idea until he makes sure that he looks good, but in the process blocks out your whole face! Might be time to reconsider?
This Is Petty

It's petty, or it might just be a mistake. But either way, this guy has bought mattress foam for his side of the bed and not hers. Guess they're going to be switching soon.
Still Not Helpful At All

Her boyfriend asked her what she wanted for dinner and she said she didn't know, so he brought her a bowl of paper with IDK written on it. Real nice.
Let Them Eat Cake

But maybe cut it properly so that everyone can have some? It might be Chris's birthday, but does no one know how to cut a triangle around here? Come on.
How Dare They

She asked her lipstick to be sharpened, but not like this! Why would he use the biggest knife that he could find to do this? He's just made a big mess and broken a heart.
It's The Thought That Counts?

This guy wanted to do something nice for his girlfriend so he made her some tea. The thing is, you need a teabag to make tea, otherwise you just have hot water with floating leaves.
At Least He Knows

I'm not saying that we should leave boys who aren't successful the same way that we are, but there is something to be said about trying to be with someone on your level.
This Is Kind Of Impressive

Do you really want to be with someone who plays fast and loose with their lives like this? Besides, cookies and milk? What are we? Children still? Just kidding. Nothing wrong with a classic.
Her Powers Are Getting Stronger

It was probably this moment that they both decided it was best if they spent their time talking to other people because there isn't really any coming back from that.
The Dog Still Got An Outfit

How did she not see this coming when she came up with this plan? Obviously, he was going to go and buy only beer with that money, and the dog was going to be cold.
Very Eloquently Put

Leave it to literally any man in the world to see a bunch of letters that can be rearranged like that and do it in the dumbest way possible in hopes of making everyone laugh.
She Just Said To Get A Shower Curtain

In a roundabout way, he was trying to make it a compliment. He thought his wife was so hot he just wanted to have a clear shower curtain for everyone to see it all.
"Stop Pooping, We Miss You"

What is a girl supposed to do when she lives in a house full of needy pets and husbands? She can't even use the washroom without feeling like she's being followed around.
At Least She Can Check Her Hair

This is what happens when your husband is a foot taller than you and hangs the mirror in a way that works for him. Too bad he didn't think to check and make sure that it worked for her.
She's Going To Be So Mad

You know that this picture made the rounds of all their friends and people laughed about it, and for a long time, she had no idea that the jokes were about her moustache.
Smart, But Wrong

The thing about cling wrap is that if you put it around the plate, it will stick if you do it properly. I guess this guy just really wanted to make sure.
They Don't Even Look Good

How did someone's boyfriend look at these and think that they looked like really yummy cookies they are going to bring home for their family to snack on and enjoy? How?
Might As Well Throw Out That Lock

I get how this seemed like a really good idea at the time, but then someday you're going to need to use that lock again, and guess what? It just isn't going to happen.