People Who Will Make You Think Twice About Moving In With Your Boyfriend
I moved in with my boyfriend this past year, and it's been great in a lot of ways. It's also been kind of annoying in a lot of ways. Living with another person isn't for the faint of heart and we've learned a lot about each other this past year.
I'm not saying don't do it, but I'm saying be sure about what you're getting into. Sometimes it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Pulling Pranks Is So Fun...For No One

This guy thought he would play a really funny joke on his girlfriend and took some photocopies of his face and then squished them into jars. You might believe this wouldn't freak you out, but it probably would.
That's Some Crazy Behaviour

Alright, are you ready for this? This person put Coke on their Cheerios, because nothing goes better with that whole wheat goodness than soda. These are the things we aren't prepared to learn about our partners.
That Poor, Poor Kitty

The cat does not look pleased that his mom moved in with her boyfriend because the boyfriend went and decided that the cat needed a haircut...the cat did not agree at all.
That's Not What Anyone Meant By Cleaning

I've never vacuumed a table before, and I probably never will because I can't tell if this is a genius move or something insane and is just them avoiding doing actual work.
Yes, That's Totally What She Meant

This person asked their boyfriend to make them a bath, so he filled up the tub with water, but that's about where he stopped. He didn't seem too worried about all the bottles he knocked over.
Just Throw It Away

There are so many things that are frustrating about this picture. I get not wanting to throw that last knob of butter out, but put it in something. Don't just put it on the door of the fridge.
Might As Well Do It Myself

This is annoying for a variety of reasons. First, because this is not what a bowl of ice cream means. Secondly, now that it's here, you better believe I'm going to eat all of it.
Her Boyfriend Took Over Cleaning For The Week...

Can you believe this mess? It is literally giving me anxiety to look at, and I just can't deal with that kind of mess. How are you supposed to get anything done in there?
The Sass Was Probably Cute At First

She asked him to stop leaving his wrappers on the counter. Not only did he keep putting wrappers on the counter, but he also printed out an artist's statement just to be funny.
He Isn't Wrong, But...

When you start arguing about dumb things all the time like changing the toilet paper, you'll know that you've reached what is referred to as domestic bliss.
Can You Tell Who Cut What?

In one container is the watermelon that the girlfriend cut up, and in the other container is the watermelon that the boyfriend cut up. This is why you can't let them do anything on their own.
They Always Focus On The Wrong Thing

I swear they have a one-track mind sometimes, and once it gets stuck somewhere like on there not being beer in the apartment, that's where it is going to stay no matter what you say.
And He Wonders Why She Sleeps On The Couch Sometimes

Sleeping next to someone every night sounds like it's romantic until someone is hogging the covers and snores a lot and you don't remember the last time you had a good sleep.
Just Use Something To Measure

Sometimes, guys don't always care the same way about having a nice living space, like by putting up art and whatnot. This guy just hung up his diplomas wherever he wanted. Didn't even measure!
Sometimes They Come In Handy

There are times when you like having them around, like where there is a huge bug in the house and your boyfriend can get it with a blowgun like a champ.
The Cats Will Never Care

They run up the bills because they think they need to leave every light on the house on, and they think you need to teach the cats how to wrestle.
They LOVE Using Your Self-Care Stuff

They were always the first person to make fun of you for having a thousand soaps, but then they test some of them out once and they're all here for it.
Don't Leave Them To Their Own Devices

This girl went out of town for a week and her boyfriend thought that this was a loofah and not a scrunchie. He'd been using it to clean his body all week.
This Just Says It All

If you give them a little "test" like not picking up after them for a couple of days, you're just going to end up with a bathroom that has a bunch of toilet paper rolls on the toilet.
The Romance Isn't Dead...It's Just Somewhere Else

Moving in together seems like it would be sexy, but it kind of just turns into something comfortable and loving, and that isn't so bad, is it? It can be sometimes, just make sure you keep that spark alive.