Woman Tries To Celebrate Her ‘Grown Woman Weight’ But Twitter Had Opinions

Weight gain and weight loss are a part of life, and sadly, something that every person struggles with at some point in their life, especially women.

We've come a long way in how we treat women in the media, but there is still that pressure, especially in the age of social media, to look a certain way.

I don't know about you, but I see a lot of weight loss glow-ups, but not a lot of people celebrating their weight gain!

One Woman Posted A Weight-Gain Glow-Up Selfie On Twitter

woman posing by a pool after gaining some weight
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn

She called it her "grown woman weight," acknowledging that in a person's life their weight is going to change, especially when they go from their early twenties to their late twenties and older.

But a lot of people on Twitter were tearing her down, causing her to delete her original post. She did repost it, but that didn't stop people from having things to say.


Naturally, There Were People Who Had Things To Say

Tweet: I don't wanna be that person, but change your diet, and the weight will fall off.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @BFABB121
Photo Credit: Twitter / @BFABB121

There were some comments all through the thread with people pointing out that weight gain isn't anything to celebrate and offering tons of unsolicited advice on how to drop the weight if she really wanted to.


Yes, Weight Can Be An Issue

Tweet: Obesity is an epidemic in America and yes the number on the scale does mean something. If you continue to be overweight for years you will get diabetes have high blood pressure and contract health problems.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @2LoganDuron2
Photo Credit: Twitter / @2LoganDuron2

But someone having a bit of extra weight is not the same as being overweight. There are a lot of reasons other than someone being lazy that would cause them to gain weight, either a little or a lot.


Tay Decided To Stick Up For Herself

Tweet: Can ya'll stop being fake mad that I called it grown woman weight. Like relax. I didn't know what else to call it plus it made me feel better about getting fat. There ya have it. Miss mamas.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn

She responded in the thread pointing out that she can call the changes in her body whatever she wants to call them, and what matters is that it has made her feel better about the weight gain and more confident about herself.


She Also Pointed Out It Doesn't Mean She's Unhealthy

Tweet: And also, just because a lot of us gained weight doesn't mean we are unhealthy. I breathe normally, I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes, I eat right (for the most part), the number on the scale means nothing
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn

Yes, we should all pay attention to what we eat and try and get moving every day, but that doesn't mean that everyone is going to look super fit. There are a whole bunch of different bodies in the world, and they're all going to be different.


The Best Part Of The Thread? Other Women Posting Their Selfies

woman's before and after weight gain pic
Photo Credit: Twitter / @msdanifernandez
Photo Credit: Twitter / @msdanifernandez

In the Twitter thread, there were a lot more people celebrating the changes in their bodies than there were people spreading hate for no real reason. It's encouraging to see people celebrate themselves.


Turns Out, This Is Something A Lot Of People Have Experienced

a woman's before and after picture of her weight gain
Photo Credit: Twitter / @CydneyElise
Photo Credit: Twitter / @CydneyElise

Gaining weight is a normal part of life. As you get older, your metabolism changes and you can't be that person who can eat whatever they want and nothing happens anymore.


Changes Can Be A Positive

a woman posting a picture of herself before and after gaining weight
Photo Credit: Twitter / @nottheworstmom
Photo Credit: Twitter / @nottheworstmom

Some women shared how gaining weight has helped them come to love themselves more because they've learned to accept themselves and their bodies how they are, not how they wish they were.


People Were Finding The Thread Helpful

Tweet: This thread is really uplifting. I often feel bad for not being the same size I was when I was 15. I'm starting to realize that an adult woman shouldn't be the same size as a 15 year old girl. I was skinny in a very unhealthy way and I'm still learning to love my bigger healthier body.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @CatzzzandStuff
Photo Credit: Twitter / @CatzzzandStuff

It's important to remember that gaining weight can be a healthy change for some, especially those who have struggled with having eating disorders or treating themselves poorly because they don't look a certain way.


These Women Look Bomb

a woman's before and after weight gain picture
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Emmie_X33
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Emmie_X33

It's also important to point out that a lot of the time, when someone becomes healthier, they appear to have gained weight because muscles are growing and becoming more dense.


Looking Healthy Is Better Than Looking Skinny

a woman's before and after weight gain selfie
Photo Credit: Twitter / @ADDALLVAL
Photo Credit: Twitter / @ADDALLVAL

A lot of the time, people don't really see that there is a difference between looking healthy and looking skinny. People who are healthy have a bit of weight on their body, they aren't skin and bones.


Look At The Joy In Her Face

a woman's before and after weight gain picture
Photo Credit: Twitter / @baboloki_m
Photo Credit: Twitter / @baboloki_m

What it comes down to is confidence. Self-love is something that we have to learn, no one can give it to us. Learning how to love ourselves no matter what we look like is more important than anything else.


Beauty Standards Change

Tweet: This is so inspiring like I've always thought that being skinny was
Photo Credit: Twitter / @CiaraDelever
Photo Credit: Twitter / @CiaraDelever

I know for myself that the way I "want to look" has changed over time. Even when I've been at my smallest, I have never been smaller than a size eight, and that used to bum me out. But now I just strive to look well, not thin.


We Learn To Take Better Care Of Ourselves

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Photo Credit: Twitter / @__nini_xoxo
Photo Credit: Twitter / @__nini_xoxo

For a lot of people, while their bodies are changing, they're also doing things like developing their style, learning if they like makeup, and getting a skincare routine down! These things are all part of learning about ourselves.


There Are All Different Kinds Of Bodies

woman sharing her weight gain and loss journey
Photo Credit: Twitter / @nina_ruth_gib
Photo Credit: Twitter / @nina_ruth_gib

It's worth mentioning that sometimes, life hands you situations that throw everything out of whack. Like for this person, who mentioned the struggle that has come with being in quarantine and not being able to do as much as usual.


Some People Shared Their Workout Secrets

a before and after weight gain picture
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Nissafitt
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Nissafitt

A lot of people in the thread were posting pictures of how their bodies had changed since they started working out regularly, and there were lots of people asking for their secrets, which they were glad to share.


Weight Changes With Age

woman posting a before and after picture of herself after gaining weight
Photo Credit: Twitter / @MsSelamB
Photo Credit: Twitter / @MsSelamB

It doesn't make sense to wish that as a grown woman you look the same as you did when you were a teenager. I hear people all the time say they miss their high school body. We all do, but you're a grownup now.


Weight Gain Happens

Tweet: Weight gain happens. Intentionally and unintentionally. I struggled with depression because I unintentionally gained 100 lbs. We need to uplift each other as women. That's what this thread is about. I want ya'll to know you look good! Even with extra pounds.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn

There are lots of reasons people gain weight. It could be from stress, it could be from medication that helps with anxiety or depression; birth control can also cause weight gain, and recovering from illness cause weight gain too.


People Should Be Supportive

Tweet: Yeah, I got fat. Oh well. My body type doesn't have to be your preference but please do not disrespect me over the keyboard because you don't like what you see.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn

People need to relax. There is nothing to be gained by making someone feel bad about something they're already painfully aware of. People should just let other people live their lives.


No One Is Promoting Obesity

Tweet: I'm not promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm promoting body confidence and positivity.
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn
Photo Credit: Twitter / @tayyrainn

But what we are saying is that self-love is a long and hard journey, and holding something like your weight against you is going to stop you from getting there.