Signs You’re Self-Sentenced To The Single Life (Maybe Forever)
First things first, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being single, staying single, or deciding that the traditional monogamous lifestyle is not for you.
Maybe you haven't admitted it to yourself yet because it can be hard to typecast your own preferences. The signs below would suggest that you're much happier being single.
You Refuse To "Settle"

If you have made "I'm not going to settle" part of your identity, there's a good chance you are not actually ready to settle down.
You are basically telling everyone that you're not interested in trying anything out right now.
You Set Strict Rules For Yourself

If you have way too many rules for yourself before even meeting someone, you could be setting yourself up for failure without realizing it.
Then again, if you prefer to play by your own rules at all times, it could be another reinforcement that you do better all on your own.
You're Super Hesitant To Take A Chance On New People

Meeting new people doesn't come naturally to everybody, but you might have noticed that you're reaching a point where you catch yourself scowling at people who are smiling at you.
Just because you are comfortable with your own friends circle doesn't mean you should avoid meeting new people.
You're Sick Of Dating Losers

It's especially important to be open-minded when you're meeting new people if you're trying to find someone you could see a relationship with.
It might feel like you're shuffling through a deck of losers, but there will be at least one match in there!
You Have High Standards And You Know It

Having standards is a great thing but it also can hold you back when it comes to your expectations.
If you have built something (or someone) up in your head and it doesn't pan out the way that you hoped in real life, you will be disappointed. Your high standards may have a longer impact on you than you think.
You Prefer To Spend Time Alone

You don't have to be a total pessimist to get in a bad mood about going on dates. It can be nerve-racking and exhausting trying to make a connection with a total stranger.
If you would rather spend your time getting to know yourself without focusing on someone else, there's a good chance you're going to be living the single life for a while.
You Have No Desire To Focus On Someone Else

Your priorities look a lot different than those of the people around you.
For you, the most important thing could be traveling, your career, or your immediate family, but it's definitely not a partner or starting your own family.
You Have No Interest In Going Out

Maybe you are past your prime time of hitting the bars too hard and regretting your decisions the next day, and that's totally okay.
There's a difference between being stuck in a rut and actively deciding you don't want to look for someone to date. If you're at the point where staying in seems more enjoyable than going out, it's not because you're boring or old, just a bit more mature.
You Fall In Love Too Easily

Feeling your emotions is healthy, but our initial feelings are not always trustworthy.
If you struggle with keeping a balance between falling in love and completely sabotaging a relationship, it's a sign that commitment isn't for you right now—or maybe ever.
You Don't Even Like The Idea Of A Committed Relationship

Have you always felt like it's kind of impossible to find one single person that checks all your boxes?
You could be on the fence about even wanting a regular committed relationship. Times are changing and the monogamous idea of marriage 'til death do you part simply doesn't suit a lot of people anymore.
You're Too Hung Up On Your Ex

If you can't move past a crappy breakup with your ex, you're never going to be able to start fresh.
You need to wipe your ex from both your mind and your life to give yourself a chance to move on. They are your ex for a reason!
You're Constantly Comparing People To Your Ex

It's also important not to compare new potential matches to your ex-partner. It will come naturally to notice the good differences, so don't go hunting for the bad ones.
If you make a habit of this, you're not ready for a new relationship anyway.
You Have Your Mind Made Up And Nobody Is Changing It

Sticking to your opinions and beliefs is important, but not as important as opening your mind to new perspectives.
If you have a one-track mind and are determined that nobody can change your opinion once it's set, you're going to have a really hard time finding someone who accepts the stubbornness.
You Do Not Have The Same Goals As Some People Your Age

You're seeing couples around you get engaged and start families, but the thought makes you want to run for the hills.
Don't panic, you're allowed to not want those things (people just never tell you that). You might prefer the single life and that is just fine.
It's Way Too Exhausting To Trust Someone New

You would rather write someone off than trust that they have good intentions.
Maybe you've built a wall around you to keep yourself protected without realizing that you're keeping other people out.
You're Waiting For "The One"

Being a hopeless romantic sounds moody and fun, but it really just leaves you disappointed.
There is no Prince Charming coming in with no character flaws and a plan to make you happy forever. Relationships take work and compromise, and if you don't want to accept that then the solo life is the one for you.