Bride-To-Be Is Given An Ultimatum By Her In-Laws: Pick Another Wedding Dress, Or The Family Won’t Come To The Ceremony
Kelly was beyond excited about her wedding, especially after she bought her dress. The thing is, the bride-to-be's in-laws didn't want her wearing the dress, threatening not to come to the wedding if she did.
Wanting her future husband's parents there, Kelly obliged. But, the day of, her mother-in-law did something that made her see nothing but red.
Kelly Barker And Colin Lewis

Kelly Barker knew she would marry Colin Lewis right when they first met. He was honest, hard-working, and considerate. It was easy to fall in love with him.
With all of his amazing traits, Kelly thought Colin was raised right, and it would be easy to get along with his family.
Colin Was The Black Sheep Of The Family

Kelly quickly found out Colin was the black sheep in the family and the rest of the Lewis' were nothing like him. Even so, she said "yes" when Colin asked her to marry him after two years of dating.
Little did Kelly know that her soon-to-be mother-in-law was about to make her life a living nightmare.
Colin's Mother Just Didn't Like Her

Growing up, Kelly was a popular person and got along with pretty much everyone. That being said, nothing she could do was good enough for Colin's mother. The woman just didn't like her.
Due to the tension between the two women, Kelly didn't invite her future mother-in-law to go wedding dress shopping.
Kelly Found Her Dream Dress

Sadly, not inviting Colin's mom was going to be something Kelly would regret. Even so, the bride-to-be said "yes to the dress" and sent a picture to her future mother-in-law.
She might not have been invited to the actual bridal shop, but Kelly still wanted her to feel included in the process.
Beautiful, Long, And Flowy

Keely found her dress at a local boutique she and Colin loved. It was long, flowy, and had a very bohemian-feel with its embroidered corset detailing. She loved it and couldn't wait to send her mother-in-law a picture.
The reply that followed was the opposite of what the happy bride-to-be was expecting.
She Demanded Kelly Find Another Dress

Colin's mother wrote Kelly back, demanding she finds another dress to wear on her wedding day. Kelly was so confused, asking why she didn't like the dress and why she had to find another.
She loved this one. Scrolling through all of the texts, Kelly couldn't believe what she was reading.
"That Dress Is Inappropriate"

To her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Colin's mom wrote, "I don't need to give you a reason. You should do what I say without questioning me. That dress is inappropriate."
To which Kelly replied, "Sorry, but I'm still wearing this dress." Shockingly, there was a wild reason why Colin's mother didn't want her to wear the dress, and it wasn't because it was "inappropriate."
Appearances Were Very Important

As it turns out, Colin's mother came from a lot of wealth and was used to getting everything she wanted. She was very judgmental, and keeping up appearances was very important to her.
So, when Kelly told her she was still going to wear the dress, it sent her spinning out of control.
The Ultimatum

The next day, Kelly received a surprise phone call from Colin's father. To her astonishment, he told her that if she did not pick out a different dress, their entire side of the family was not going to attend the wedding.
Kelly couldn't believe what she was hearing. It made no sense.
The Guest List Would Drop To 25 People

Kelly and Colin decided to have a very small wedding of 40 people, 15 of which were Colin's relatives. If they didn't come, their guest list was down to 25 people!
Colin's side of the family was beyond unreasonable, and it began to cause tension between the newly engaged couple.
Kelly Didn't Know What To Do

The bride-to-be was seething. And it got worse when Colin asked her to change her dress. She couldn't believe he was siding with his family; they were completely out of line!
Even so, Kelly knew it was important for Colin's family to be at their wedding. Still, she also thought it was important she stood her ground. It was her wedding, after all.
Kelly Gave In

Eventually, Kelly gave in and picked out a different wedding dress. Colin's family was going to come to the wedding, and everything was going to be fine. At least, that's what Kelly thought.
When the day of the wedding came, Kelly couldn't have been more excited. Then she was Colin's mom.
She Was Wearing The Exact Same Dress

Walking into the wedding, Colin's mother was wearing the exact same dress Kelly originally picked out for herself. It was in a green shade, but there was no denying it was the same dress.
Kelly couldn't pick her jaw up off the floor. Was this woman for real? Now, it was personal.
"Everyone Would Think She's Pathetic..."

After seeing her mother-in-law, everything clicked into place. It became clear why she forbade Kelly from wearing the dress -- she'd already purchased hers.
According to Colin's mother, "everyone would think she's pathetic and copying her son's wife on her wedding day." One would think she would have returned the dress and purchased a new one after seeing Kelly's, the bride's, choice.
Kelly Walked Right Up To Her

Kelly was seeing red. Not caring who saw her rage or who heard her yell, she marched right up to Colin's mother and said, "How dare you!"
"This is why you didn't want me to have my dream wedding dress? Because YOU wanted to wear it to my big day?!"
Colin Was In Disbelief

With all of the commotion a crowd began to form around the two women. Even Colin was in disbelief at the blatant disrespect his mother showed his new wife.
The newlyweds tried to keep their distance from his mother for the remainder of the night but one this was clear, she was ruining their wedding.
Kelly And Colin Talked About It

Kelly was sad. She didn't want her wedding to be ruined because one woman was feeling childish. She and Colin should be surrounded by people who love them both and are not trying to pull one or the other down.
After eating dinner, Kelly told Colin how she was feeling and what they did next shocked everyone.
They Asked Colin's Mother To Leave

When Kelly explained the situation to Colin, he completely agreed and understood where she was coming from. His mom was way out of line.
So, the newlyweds decided to go to her since the meal was over and ask her to leave their wedding! Of course, she did not go quietly.
She Took A Lot Of The Family With her

Colin's mother made a huge scene, eventually having to be escorted out by security. Finally, they got her off the premises, but she took a lot of her family with her.
Colin was sad to see his family leave his wedding, but he wasn't going to stand by and condone her behavior.
Kelly Went To Reddit, Asking If She Did The Right Thing

Both Kelly and Colin believed they did the right thing by asking her to leave. Even so, it put a bit of a damper on their big day, and Kelly began second-guessing her actions.
So, she went to Reddit, asking users if she had made a mistake and should have acted differently.
Everyone Is Crazy!

On Reddit, Kelly explained the entire situation and asked if she was in the wrong. If people said she was, she wanted to know so she could apologize. They were her family now, after all.
Most people thought everyone was a bit crazy and that Kelly should have thought about how something as simple as a dress was enough to mar her entire relationship with her mother-in-law.
"Rethink Even Marrying Into This Family..."

Another user said, "With how crazy all these people are, she should rethink even marrying into this family. These people are nuts and will make her life a living hell."
Little did Kelly know that this last comment would actually come into fruition six months after the wedding when her mother-in-law decided to strike again.
Determined To Have A Happy Life

Even with people warning Kelly away from her new family, she was determined to have a happy life with Colin. They lived miles away from her in-laws, so what was the worst that could happen?
The answer came when Kelly's parents decided to throw a huge celebration for their 40th wedding anniversary.
A Huge Party!

The plan was to have a large party with friends, family, food, and a whole lot of dancing. Kelly was evening planning on doing a small video tribute to her parents throughout the years.
It was going to be a great time! Then, Colin walked into the kitchen, looking a bit troubled.
His Mother Thought It Was Rude She Was Not Invited

After asking him what was wrong, Colin told Kelly that his mom wasn't happy that he wouldn't be able to visit because of the anniversary. She even went as far as saying it was rude of Kelly's parents not to invite her!
Kelly couldn't believe what she was hearing and couldn't imagine the drama that was about to unfold.
She Could Come But She Better Not Make A Scene

After talking it through, it was decided that Colin's mom and only his mom could come. There just wasn't enough room to invite anyone else. Kelly's parents also told their son-in-law that they wouldn't stand for any funny business.
Too bad his mother thrived off drama and creating a scene.
Kelly Once Again Saw Red

When the anniversary party came, the recreation room the family rented out was alive with color and decorated in a fun Hawaiian theme. Everyone was having a great time!
Then, Colin's mother walked through the door, and Kelly couldn't believe her eyes. Once again, she was looking at her mother-in-law and saw red.
She Was Wearing The Dress!

She stood there, wearing the same exact green dress from the wedding. The same dress that got her kicked out of her son's wedding. More so, she had an elaborate up-do, evening makeup, and a whole lot of jewelry.
The attire was casual, and Colin's mom purposely wore the dress to aggravate everyone.
The Dress Was Just The Beginning

Colin didn't know what to do and just gave Kelly an apologetic smile. Kelly's parents just rolled their eyes and went back to talking with their friends.
Then, Colin's mother went straight to the head table and sat down right where Kelly's seat was assigned. That wasn't the end of it, either.
Eye Rolling, Sneering, And Trash Talking

For days leading up to the party, Kelly worked tirelessly on the video tribute for her parents. During the party, it brought tears to the family members' eyes.
Well, everyone but Colin's mother, who sat there rolling her eyes, sneering, and talking throughout the entire video presentation. Apparently, she was talking about her own anniversary parties.
She Called The Beach Theme Tacky

Talking to her neighbors, Colin's mother apparently said the beach theme was tacky and boasted about her own parties and how they were so much better.
After a while, enough was enough, and Kelly's dad got up from his seat and went straight toward the woman. He'd had it with her.
Kelly's Dad Called Her Out

Kelly's dad stopped right in front of her and said, "If all you came here to do was be rude, you could leave. My daughter might have had no choice in tolerating your behavior during her wedding, but we don't have to put up with it."
Her face went red with anger. But even Colin jumped in, saying, "Mom, just go. You're not wanted here."
A Round Of Applause

Other guests at the party began shouting out similar sentiments, telling her to leave and that she wasn't wanted there. Finally, she got up and left to the roar of applause from everyone else at the party.
Colin had had it. He turned off his phone when the first angry text message rolled in.
The Family Was Way Better Off

Colin said to Kelly's mom and dad, "At least I have one set of great parents." It didn't take long for the four of them to agree that his mother would never be invited to another celebration.
Who wanted a rude woman who only cares about herself to be there? From the wedding to her parent's party, Kelly was happy that Colin finally saw his mother in her true colors.