Reasons You Should Keep Dating Even When It Feels Pointless
Let's be honest with ourselves, at this point in the game, the dating pool has pee in it.
It's so bad that lots of us would rather swear off dating altogether than sit through one more insufferable Tinder match date.
Dating Can Be Discouraging (To Say The Least)

As discouraging as casually dating can be, it's not worth punishing yourself.
Saying things like "I'd rather be single than date another loser" is an easy way for you to give yourself an out before you even try.
There Are A Few Good Reasons Not To Give Up Forever (Even When Men Suck)

Before you delete your dating apps (again) and tell your friends that you're not interested in meeting anyone, consider the following reasons why you shouldn't give up on dating altogether.
There are at least a few good reasons to keep dating even when it feels completely hopeless.
You Don't Have To Make Any Commitments

Going on a first or second date with someone is not signing up to marry them or even to have a romantic relationship.
You don't have to make a commitment and you don't owe them anything, so if things aren't going the way you hoped, you can just bail.
You Always Have Someone To Do Activities With

It's kind of nice to have someone to do things with, even if it's just in a friendly capacity.
Planning an actual activity or adventure date gives you the ability to really get to know someone's personality as opposed to the one they put on over drinks at a restaurant. Plus, you get to do fun things with someone.
It Forces You To Maintain A Different Social Life

In a weird way, dating forces you to have a social life outside of your regular circles.
It's easy to fall into the trap of working too much in your free time or only seeing the same three people when they're available.
It Can Help You Balance Your Work Vs. Social Life Priorities

Adding "dating" to your list of things to do shouldn't have to feel like a chore. It can actually help you balance your priorities a bit because it's not something that makes or breaks your life.
Instead, look at it as dedicating time to spend on yourself and getting to know someone else in the process.
Some Things Are Cheaper With A Date

For some activities, it's cheaper and more entertaining to experience them as a duo than it is when you're by yourself.
Signing up for a fun cooking class or activity is usually cheaper when split two ways. Of course, this isn't a main reason to go on dates, but it is a little perk and gives you the chance to try something new.
You Can Narrow Down What You're Attracted To

The fastest way to learn what you're attracted to is through trial and error.
Going on a few dates will give you perspective on whether you're really interested in someone based on physical attraction or an actual connection. Maybe you love a sense of humor or maybe you prefer sharp intellect.
You Can Identify The Things You Don't Want In A Partner

You're also going to discover exactly what you don't want in a partner.
You'll probably get to know what you don't want quite quickly, which makes it easier to spot and avoid in the future.
It's Good To Be Social!

Whether you love or hate it, humans are social creatures! It's good for us to connect with other people and build relationships, both personal and romantic.
Having the prospect of a strong relationship in your life can be beneficial for your mental and physical health, as long as you don't burn out chasing the wrong one.
Dates Make Good Travel Buddies

New partners make great travel companions because you're often in a new sort of "honeymoon" state.
It means your first adventures are often fun and can be pretty much limitless. Book a small getaway with a date and see how it works out for you, then you can work up to a bigger trip.
You Have Someone To Go To "Couple Events" With

If you always keep at least one person on your potential dating roster, you're less likely to end up being the third wheel or left out of couples' events.
Of course, this person can't just be a retainer date, but it's something that's a nice benefit when you have it.
You Could Make An Awesome New Friend

Not every date has to end romantically—we're just people, after all. You can't force something to work if the chemistry isn't there.
But that doesn't mean you have to never speak to that person again. Maybe you fit way better as friends than as a couple and that's cool too.
You May End Up Surprising Yourself

Deciding that you're "better off single forever" can become a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way.
You could be closing yourself off by thinking you're not "relationship material," but until you meet the right person, it will continue to be true. So keep trying! Fall down nine times...get helped up by the 10th guy—or something like that.