Men Share The Biggest Advantages Of Being Male And All I Can Say To Women Is, ‘I’m Sorry’

Men and women tend to experience the world differently, and some differences are more obvious than others. So when user WF6i took to the internet and asked Reddit, “What would you say are the biggest advantages of being male?” it got people talking.

Male users got candid with their answers and shared the things they’re grateful to have or have never had to worry about. Some women then joined in the discussion and said that this time, the grass is definitely greener on the other side.

Your Time Of The Month

Colorful sign that says
Photo Credit: Ava Sol / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Ava Sol / Unsplash

“Not having periods. I can’t even imagine how much that must suck.” —waaful

“For me it’s the massive hormone shift that makes me feel extremely depressed and lethargic. Also accidentally getting blood on your underwear.” —HedgehogFarts


Bring The Pain

Woman lies on a bed in pain
Photo Credit: Yuris Alhumaydy / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Yuris Alhumaydy / Unsplash

As if bleeding for several days at a time once a month wasn’t bad enough, there’s also the issue of menstrual cramps.


“My friend has crippling cramps that make her cry. It's meant to feel like a heart attack. Heart attack level pain every month? Yikes. Plus, some girls can pass out n stuff from the pain. Medical professionals refuse to do anything too because it's a ‘natural pain’ whatever that means.” —Longjumping-Box5365


Teeny-Tiny Pockets

Denim jeans hanging from a wooden hanger
Photo Credit: Jason Leung / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Jason Leung / Unsplash

“Pockets of reasonable size on every piece of clothing. I can carry anything I can think of while keeping my hands free!” —Bull749


Nothing infuriates women quite like tiny, useless pockets on our clothing (and don’t even get me started on faux pockets). One user suggested it’s simply a cash grab to sell women’s purses and this is one conspiracy theory I can actually get behind.


Short Restroom Lineups

Row of sinks and soap dispensers in a public bathroom
Photo Credit: Buchen WANG / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Buchen WANG / Unsplash

You drank one beer too many and are now awkwardly running with a full bladder to the bathroom during a concert, sporting event, or at the amusement park. But nothing fills a woman up with dread quite like seeing the lineup stretch far outside the bathroom.


Male users say the short bathroom lineups are definitely a huge benefit.


Not Wearing Bras

Woman holds a white bra against a blue background
Photo Credit: cottonbro / Pexels
Photo Credit: cottonbro / Pexels

They’re uncomfortable, they’re restricting, and they can be quite expensive. No, I’m not talking about your ex, but women’s bras.


One user joked that he doesn’t have to wear a bra, but he could if he wanted to. (Trust me, dude, you don’t want to.)


Pregnancy And Childbirth

Pregnant woman in a white dress with her and her husband's hands on her belly
Photo Credit: Jonathan Borba / Pexels
Photo Credit: Jonathan Borba / Pexels

If there’s one thing men are eternally grateful for, it’s that they don’t have the bear the burdens of childbirth. Still, that doesn’t stop them from admiring what women go through.


“Not having to carry a pregnancy and give birth. It really does take a toll on your body. Yes, it’s beautiful and miraculous and whatnot, but it’s exhausting just to watch. And the birth? My goodness, I couldn’t bring myself to stare directly at the sun. Y’all are tough.”—okthenamechecksout


The Joys Of Standing

row of urinals
Photo Credit: Markus Spiske / Pexels
Photo Credit: Markus Spiske / Pexels

“We can pee standing up.” Lancestorm03


Can you whip it out on the side of the road? A random bush or farmers’ field? A plastic bottle? Check, check, and check. But when you’re a woman, this ease of bladder relief is a bit more time-consuming and complicated. That being said, at least we can actually aim for the toilet.


Unclear Intentions

Man points at something in the distance while woman looks at what he's talking about
Photo Credit: Alan Quirvan / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Alan Quirvan / Unsplash

When you’re a woman and a man is overly nice to you, such as showering you in compliments or buying drinks at a bar, you might experience a pang of self-doubt and wonder if his friendliness is truly genuine. But for guys, it’s quite the opposite.


“If someone is friendly, I don't have to second guess that they might be trying to [screw] me.” —crudminer


Easy, Breezy, Beautiful

Makeup palate of neutral, pink, and purple eyeshadows and a container of makeup brushes
Photo Credit: freestocks / Unsplash
Photo Credit: freestocks / Unsplash

Another thing men are grateful for and see as an advantage is they get to rock the face and body nature gave them with ease. Why? There’s no pressure to wear makeup, style one’s hair, or wear the most stylish clothes.


“A lower level of maintenance, on average, required to be considered possibly attractive to the opposite sex.” bigun68


Sheer Strength

Man holds and prepares to lift weights in a gym
Photo Credit: Victor Freitas / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Victor Freitas / Unsplash

Another thing men viewed as an advantage was their strength. If there’s a heavy item that needs lifting or a tight lid on a jar that just won’t budge, men like being the go-to person to fix these problems. And most of the time, it’s an ego boost.


“The stress of having a woman give you a test of strength can make miracles happen lol.” —BloodyExile


Constantly On Alert

Woman fills up her vehicle with gas while she looks over her shoulder
Photo Credit: RODNAE Productions / Pexels
Photo Credit: RODNAE Productions / Pexels

“I remember shortly after first being married and my wife asking me to come with her to get gas at night. At first I was like, ‘aw, that’s sweet, you want some company while you go put gas in your car?’ And she was like, ‘uhhhh no, I don’t want to feel afraid that someone is going to attack me while I go put gas in the car.’"


"It was really eye-opening for me as a man.” —adamislolz


Natural Credibility

Woman gives a presentation at work in front of several colleagues
Photo Credit: Leon / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Leon / Unsplash

“Not having to prove my credibility. The [stuff] my wife has [to] deal with at her job makes my blood pressure go through the roof.” DCstroller


“I noticed women on my team (all of them are objectively smarter than I am) really have to make a strong case for their ideas [to] be accepted at brainstorming/advisory meetings. If I just put my news anchor/confident voice on, people just accept [stuff] that I say.” Chucknastical


Aging Gracefully

A man with silver hair and a green shirt looks off camera and smiles
Photo Credit: Foto Sushi / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Foto Sushi / Unsplash

When a man gets older, society views him as full of wisdom or maybe even a silver fox. As a woman, however, it’s the complete opposite. Many men pointed out that women are not allowed to age gracefully like they are, and try as you may, it’s always a losing battle.


“Women aren’t even allowed to age; everything since the minute a girl hits puberty is ‘how to look better.’” —Throwaway7894325103


Going Out Alone At Night

Man walks adown sidewalk in the dark during a snowfall
Photo Credit: Roan Lavery / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Roan Lavery / Unsplash

Another advantage for men is going outside alone, especially at night, without the slightest fear.


“I can't count the number of times some woman I work with has hesitantly asked me to walk her to her car after work at night. The first couple of times I was dumb enough to think they were hitting on me. No, they're just scared to go out alone at night, something I don't think twice about doing.” DanTheTerrible


World Travels

Man stands atop a hill and overlooks a small beachside town
Photo Credit: Edgar Chaparro / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Edgar Chaparro / Unsplash

“Traveling the world is a lot safer as a guy....”porksymkp


Not only is walking alone outside safer for a guy but traveling the world as a man is much safer too. This is another advantage men noticed, and the disparity of experiences between male and female travelers when abroad is stark.


Hygiene Products

Green bottles of shampoo and conditioner on a shower rack
Photo Credit: Sarah Chai / Pexels
Photo Credit: Sarah Chai / Pexels

When it comes to women’s hygiene products, there is an endless bounty to choose from. An aisle full of choices can be quite daunting, but for men, some pointed out that the lack of choices makes the shopping experience much more pleasant.


“You can get the all-in-one shampoo, conditioner, body wash, exfoliant, deodorant, toothpaste, aftershave, floor wax, engine degreaser, dessert topping sunscreen.” —RoboNinjaPirate


Being Taken Seriously

Row of white, red, and black vehicles at a car dealership
Photo Credit: Pixabay / Pexels
Photo Credit: Pixabay / Pexels

One thing men are grateful for is that whether they’re dealing with a car dealership, a realtor, or a home hardware store, they’re always taken seriously.


“[It] pisses me off when I have to get on the phone when the dealer is trying feed my wife some [crap] when she has to take the car in. I am like ‘No, we are not going to pay $100 to change out the cabin air filter because the car has 30,000 miles. This specific car doesn’t have a cabin air filter you lying sack of [crap].’” —rcuadro


An Empty Social Calendar

Husband hugs and kisses his pregnant wife while they attend her baby shower
Photo Credit: Paola Vasquez / Pexels
Photo Credit: Paola Vasquez / Pexels

For adult women, our schedules can be an endless list of excursions. But guys say they’re grateful to not have this level of social commitment.


“No wedding or baby showers. No bridesmaids' dresses. Women have a ridiculous amount of social expectations that they have to live up to. One slip up and you may make an enemy for life. To the outside observer, it seems like a never-ending stream of forced uncomfortable events, perceived guilt, and passive-aggressive comments.” foldingthetesseract


Validated Medical Concerns

Female patient holding her neck and looking down with male nurse standing in front of her
Photo Credit: Klaus Nielsen / Pexels
Photo Credit: Klaus Nielsen / Pexels

“Going to a [doctor] & telling them I am in pain & they listen & don't blow me off telling me it's all in my head.” bigmam666


“THIS. i don’t think a lot of men understand how much different seeing doctors is for women and how often we are told it is just anxiety.” bisexualpenguin18


Confident And Assertive

Confident man in a dark grey suit smiles while he crosses his arms
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Men who are confident are seen as attractive, and in the workforce, it’s seen as an admirable trait. But for women who exhibit this same level of confidence, they’re viewed in a far less flattering light.


“I can tell people what to do and I’m ‘assertive.’ I’ve seen women [do] the same thing and instead of assertive they get called ‘bossy’ or [worse].” GDmisfits