This Magical Wand Will Prevent Wine Hangovers

Being an adult has a lot of perks, but there are also some downsides that come with getting older, one of which is that your hangovers become much more severe.

Despite the fact that you probably drink (far) less than you did in your early 20s, you have been saddled with hangovers that last not just one day, but two or maybe even three days, even though you only had a glass or two of wine. In order to prevent those wine hangovers, Pure Wine created The Wand.

Say Goodbye To Your Next-Day Wine-Induced Headaches

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You've tried drinking plenty of water before you go to sleep, you make sure to eat a proper meal, you take Advil when you wake up—but nothing works. Gone are the days where you could be out drinking until 3 in the morning and then recover by noon the next day. To help you prevent the pain the next morning, Pure Wine came up with The Wand, meant to prevent wine headaches.


It'll Only Improve Your Glass Of Rosé

purifiying wine wand in the glass
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Pure Wine's wine headache cure is as easy as stirring The Wand through your glass before you drink it. The wand removes histamines and sulfite preservatives from any glass of red, white, or sparkling wine without changing the flavor, aroma, or color. The Wand alleviates all of the most common side effects of drinking wine such as headaches, skin flush, upset stomachs, or next-day hangovers.


It Restores Already-Opened Bottles, Too!

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Not only does The Wand prevent hangovers, but it can also restore wine that has previously been opened so you don't have to waste that already-open bottle that's been sitting in the fridge for too long. Thanks to how convenient and compact they are, you can have one with you at any social gathering, celebration, or even just a meal out at a restaurant!