Make Your Boyfriend Hate Cuddling A Little Less With The Coodle Pillow

Cuddling with your partner, as great as it can be, can also sometimes be a difficult experience. Your boyfriend has to deal with all your hair in his face, someone is always too hot or radiating too much heat, and your partner's arm gets trapped underneath you all night, destined to have him waking up with his arm still asleep.

The chances of you fixing all those problems in one go are slim to none, but the Coodle pillow can take care of one of them.

The Couple Conundrum

couple lying down cuddling
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Becca Tapert
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Becca Tapert

You may love to cuddle, but a lot of men say they don't enjoy it because it's a lot more uncomfortable for them than it is for women. Women get to be the little spoon who is cozy and comfortable, with not a care in the world as they find their ideal sleeping position. Your man, on the other hand, has to figure out how to strategically slip his arm out from under you after you fall asleep so he can find his own comfortable position.


Curves In All The Right Places

cuddle proof pillow
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In order to fix the first world problem of your boyfriend's arm falling asleep every time you talk him into being the big spoon (which is frequently, because he wants to make you happy even if he can't use his left arm), you can buy a Coodle Pillow! The curved pillow is the perfect solution because you still get to be close to your partner, but now you both get a good sleep.


Let Both Of You Have A Good Night's Sleep

partner cuddling pillow
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The ergonomic arched foam pillow means your boyfriend can slip his arm under your neck without bearing all the weight of your head or neck, and quite frankly, a pillow is probably more comfortable than a bicep or an elbow. The Coodle pillow helps maintain good alignment of your neck and spine too, so even on nights where your partner is generating too much body heat and you don't want anything to do with him, you'll still be sleeping well.