Keep Your Ice Cream Safe From Others—And Yourself—With This Pint Lock

It's okay to admit that you have no self-control, especially when it comes to desserts. Some people are able to keep a pint of Ben & Jerry's in their freezer for so long that it gets freezer burn on it, whereas others eat the whole carton within days (or hours) of bringing it home.

If you're a person who enjoys it soon after you bought it but you're looking to change that habit, the Ben & Jerry's Euphori-lock might be just the thing you need.

Who Do You Trust With The Code?

pint of ben and jerrys
Photo Credit: Newscast/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Photo Credit: Newscast/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

There are a couple of different ways that you can use the Euphori-lock to your advantage. If you really want to commit to the plight of eating healthier—or at least eating less ice cream—you could give someone else the unique code that comes with the lock. That way, you'll have to justify your ice cream eating to someone else before you can access it.


It Could Be Just A Deterrent For Yourself

euphori lock from ben and jerrys for ice cream pints
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Or, if you're not looking to be shamed by someone else when you want to access your ice cream, you could keep the code to the Euphori-lock to yourself. The physical act of having to put in a code to access something can work as a deterrent so you can question if you really need that ice cream before you decide that yes, yes you do.


Keep Others Away From Your Ice Cream Too

ben and jerrys euphori-lock for ice cream pint
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On the other hand, maybe you're the one in your household that can control themselves, but the rest of these vultures can't. The Euphori-lock also works if you're looking to keep your roommate, boyfriend, husband, or friends away from your precious peanut butter half-baked pint while you're not looking.


Can we guarantee that this is actually going to help you? Absolutely not, but you deserve to eat ice cream when you want it, or to lock it away for safekeeping.