Painfully Relatable Memes If You Date Men Who Need Therapists

When I was seventeen years old, I used to fantasize about the kind of guy I would marry. I always pictured him as being a good listener, intelligent, emotionally-competent, and maybe a little good looking. Now, I'll brag to my friends about a guy I've met who only has raised one major red flag, and they'll actually be jealous.

Some guys will come across troubled individuals, and that's totally okay until they decide that they need me emotionally support them 24/7 (which I end up doing every time because I am a clown). Here are relatable memes that will hurt your feelings if you date guys who need therapists.

You're Unable To See The Signs That They're The Worst

Fake rupi kaur poem reads: there were so many red flags, but I? am color blind
Photo Credit: Twitter / @anugov
Photo Credit: Twitter / @anugov

Afterward, you reflect on the relationship and wonder how you didn't see that he couldn't show any emotional empathy, was unable of taking accountability for his action, and was a sexist.


Every Man I've Dated Should Venmo Me Financial Reparations

Altered book title reads:
Photo Credit: Instagram / @manicpixiememequeen
Photo Credit: Instagram / @manicpixiememequeen

The children's book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" is a cautionary tale about how giving emotional labor to men means that they'll take it for granted and demand more while never returning the favor.


Yeah, Sure You Can...

While watching the Joker movie, girl thinks: I could fix him
Photo Credit: Twitter / @TamiDaBushPilot
Photo Credit: Twitter / @TamiDaBushPilot

The project boyfriend: you like him despite the fact that he has serious underlying problems and troubles, but you think you can help them work through those. Spoiler alert: you can't.


That Cat Is Every Guy I've Dated

Boy wears bucket on head after cat scratches him. Caption: even though you hurt me, I still find ways to be with you
Photo Credit: Twitter / @amr_attiia
Photo Credit: Twitter / @amr_attiia

Here me out on this one: what if instead of leaving my toxic trash-bag boyfriend, I find ways to excuse and justify his behaviors and let him ruin my life?


They Just Seem To Gravitate Towards You

Girl surrounded by fish labelled
Photo Credit: Reddit / pesodebrett
Photo Credit: Reddit / pesodebrett

For some unexplained cosmic reason, men who are desperately in need of extensive professional psychotherapy. It's at the point where you wonder if your body is releasing pheromones into the air that draw them toward you.


"Please, I'm A Grown-Up Baby!"

meme reads: I am somebody's son. Please respect the fact that I refuse to grow up. My mom taught me many invaluable lessons, but the only one I remember is that I deserve love without reciprocation. Either be my mommy or have a slow psychological breakdown because I'll never understand your needs
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ghosted1996
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ghosted1996

Guys like this truly believe that they deserve overwhelming unconditional love and support despite never doing anything to become more self sufficient or learn about your problems, problems, and insecurities.


These Men Will Suck You Dry

Girl calls men vampires who suck the emotional labor out of women
Photo Credit: Instagram / @awardsforgoodboys
Photo Credit: Instagram / @awardsforgoodboys

In your mission to be a supportive and helpful partner, this guy will use your kindness to sink his needy, emotionally unintelligent teeth into your psyche and leave you emotionally drained before dipping out.


We've All Looked Like Ariana Grande Once

Photo of ariana grande staring lovingly at pete who has
Photo Credit: Imgur / Joeydeluxe
Photo Credit: Imgur / Joeydeluxe

There's nothing like meeting a charming, funny guy who just seems to be a little complex only to realize that he's a straight up wreck two months into the relationship.


Basically Running A Charity Here

Tweet: at just 16 years old I started an outreach program for troubled boys. I'd date them until they gained enough confidence to cheat on me. Today you can still see them thriving in the wild, spitting chew in monster cans, not paying child support, poking me on Facebook
Photo Credit: Twitter / @molly7anne
Photo Credit: Twitter / @molly7anne

Instead of going to a therapist and unpacking the root of their problems, they'll instead use you as a crutch to develop a better sense of self and then throw you out when they feel complete.


This Is The Type Of Intimate Roleplay I Need

girl jokes that she would like for a guy to roleplay as someone with emotional maturity
Photo Credit: Twitter / @cottoncandaddy
Photo Credit: Twitter / @cottoncandaddy

Forget physical intimacy and looks: what's really hot are guys who are able to identify, manage, and effectively communicate their emotions in a way that's constructive for both of us *swoons*.


I Cannot Roll My Eyes Hard Enough At This

Person says that they need an emotional nanny
Photo Credit: Twitter / @cottoncandaddy
Photo Credit: Twitter / @cottoncandaddy

Some men will get so defensive when you bring up the notion of therapy, or they go out of the way to say that they need it. Dude, just say the term. It's okay.


Even My Parents Know I Need To Stop Dating These Men

Meme: my parents used to tell me
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ripannanicolesmith
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ripannanicolesmith

Truly, my mom used to tell me that I'd find a great partner who is my equal, financially well-off, and responsible. Now she just begs me to not bring home another guy who is unable to process his own emotions.


Oh, No! All Traces Of Accountability Disappeared!

Drawing of boy saying: For my next act, I will magically remove myself from the problem and - voila! - leave you with the blame!
Photo Credit: Instagram / @awardsforgoodboys
Photo Credit: Instagram / @awardsforgoodboys

This man does not know how to emotionally and mentally manage the effects of his actions and words, so instead he'll find a great way to flip the problem onto you (e.g. you're just too sensitive and that's why you're upset I lied to you).


The Guy Who Thinks Playing Guitar Is A Personality

Person makes acrostic poem about musicians being man-babies
Photo Credit: Twitter / @skylarsarkis
Photo Credit: Twitter / @skylarsarkis

This guy likes to write songs about how his ex-girlfriends were all horrible to him. He thinks that writing songs automatically makes him emotionally well-adjusted despite still saying the girl who rejected him in high school is a tramp.


I'm Sorry, But I Didn't Write The Rules Of Attraction

Tweet: Can't be sexually attracted to someone unless there are at least four major red flags
Photo Credit: Twitter / @lindsaytheis
Photo Credit: Twitter / @lindsaytheis

There are four things common amongst all the men I've dated: they didn't like ABBA, they had flat pillows on their bed, they loved Tame Impala a little too much, and they had multiple clear red flag characteristics from the start.


You're Not A Partner, You're a Cheerleader

Drawing of man saying: I haven't been validated in days please you've go to help me. As astute comment about my art will do
Photo Credit: Instagram / @awardsforgoodboys
Photo Credit: Instagram / @awardsforgoodboys

If you aren't constantly telling them that they are the best thing to have ever graced the surface of the Earth, they are unhappy. You only exist to make them feel good about themselves.


Ah, Yes, This Is Healthy

Joke is that men punch drywall
Photo Credit: Instagram / @caffeineheadache
Photo Credit: Instagram / @caffeineheadache

Instead of processing his emotions in a healthy way, guys will instead resort to violently punching a hole through the wall and yelling just to "get it out" and pretend it's not terrifying and problematic.


She's Not Crazy, You Just Are An Idiot

Tweet: Is she really crazy bro? or is she just holding you accountable for your actions and you're terrible at communicating
Photo Credit: Twitter / @wh0iscaxat
Photo Credit: Twitter / @wh0iscaxat

Some men will be like: "Bro she's so crazy! She got mad at me over nothing! I've only gaslit her for months, refused to validate her concerns and fears, and minimized every problem she's brought up!"


Alas, I Keep Going Back

Text: me getting involved with, yet again, another emotionally unavailable man knowing that I'll end up hurt -- that was dangerous, let's do it again
Photo Credit: Instagram / @manicpixiememequeen
Photo Credit: Instagram / @manicpixiememequeen

I have to admit that part of this is my fault, because no matter how many times I end up getting hurt by emotionally inept man-children, I still date the next one that gets within 10 feet of me.


To The Men Who Are Mad At This Article:

Tweet: who'd gonna explain to men that the men who need therapists meme didn't stem form fetishization of mental illness, but from the simple face that men use women as emotional outlets/therapists bc society doesn't raise them to comfortably express their feelings to anyone except their S/O
Photo Credit: Twitter / @amandahest
Photo Credit: Twitter / @amandahest

At the end of it, the main point of the "men who need therapists" joke points toward the fact that most men aren't raised to express their emotions in a positive, healthy way, but that doesn't mean your girlfriend should be your therapist.